In a playful twist to the ongoing royal fashion saga, Zara Tindall has laughed off the recent headlines that suggest Meghan Markle was the first to wear the now-popular burgundy color. According to the Daily Mail, Meghan allegedly made the color “royal” before it became a favorite of Kate Middleton, Beatrice, and Zara herself.
The Burgundy Fashion Frenzy
Burgundy has recently been making waves as a go-to color for royals. From Kate Middleton’s elegant coats to Princess Beatrice’s chic dresses, the rich hue has become a staple in royal wardrobes. However, the claim that Meghan “wore it first” has left Zara Tindall in stitches.
Zara’s Reaction: “I Wore It First!”
In response to the media frenzy, Zara Tindall was quick to dismiss the Daily Mail’s sensational claim, jokingly asserting, “I wore it first!” Zara’s down-to-earth reaction highlights the lighthearted and often playful nature of royal fashion rivalries.
Zara, known for her casual approach to fashion compared to other royals, didn’t take the attention too seriously, laughing off the idea that any royal could “own” a color.
Meghan Markle’s Burgundy Moment
While Zara may be having fun with the claims, Meghan Markle did indeed sport the deep, regal shade on several occasions, leading to a media frenzy. Her appearance in a burgundy dress sparked headlines, but as Zara Tindall aptly pointed out, the royal family members are often seen wearing similar colors at different events.
The Fashion Royalty Debate Continues
This latest fashion-related dispute only adds fuel to the ongoing debate about which royal is the trendsetter in the family. While Meghan’s style choices have often been closely analyzed, it’s clear that Zara, Kate, and Beatrice are now leading the charge with their own signature takes on royal attire.
It seems the only certainty is that, whether it’s burgundy or any other shade, royal fashion is never short of drama—or laughs.