In a recent interview, Allen revealed that he was gifted Kelce’s high-end designer jacket, a pink suede button-down leather shirt from Bottega Veneta, which was priced at a jaw-dropping $11,900. The unexpected gesture came thanks to Swift, who encouraged Allen to try it on, even though he initially hesitated, unsure it would fit.
“Taylor was like, ‘Yeah, it’ll definitely fit, put it on,’” Allen recalled. “Kelsey then told me, ‘If it fits you, you can have it. I’m never going to wear it again.’” True to Swift’s prediction, the jacket fit Allen perfectly, and he ended up walking away with the luxury item.
The surprising interaction didn’t stop there. Allen also recalled Swift’s reaction when she complimented him for being funny, noting that she appreciated his dedication to making jokes. He said Swift told him, “I respect your commitment to getting a laugh or making a joke,” which left Allen pleasantly surprised.
As if receiving such a luxurious gift wasn’t enough, Allen also received praise from Swift for his humor, proving that the pair’s chemistry goes beyond their public appearances. “I didn’t expect a compliment like that,” Allen admitted, reflecting on the kind words from the global icon.
The whole encounter revealed a side of Taylor Swift that fans rarely get to see: warm, personable, and down-to-earth. Her interaction with Allen highlights how she connects with people on a genuine level, and the fun atmosphere between her and Kelce only adds to the charm.
For Allen, walking away with Kelce’s $11,900 jacket was the perfect souvenir from an unforgettable night in Kansas City. The gift was a great reminder of how even the world’s biggest stars can share kind gestures with those around them – and maybe even outfit them in the process.